Compiler, interpreter, Compiler vs Interpreter;
Features of Python, process of execution of
Python program;
Data types, basic data types,

variable, constant, constant vs variable – program example;

Operator, arithmetic operators, logical operators, comparison operators,
Python Decisions: break and continue statements;
Program: input numbers, find maximum and minimum number.

Python string, Check palindrome,

Array in Python,
Program: input the student data: name, rollnumber, marks of five subjects, Pint the name, rollnumber, percentage and result of the student. Result: “Pass” if score of each subject is >=40 and aggregate
percentage is >= 50%.

List and tuples, Program: Common operations
of list and tuples.

Python standard library, factorial(x) of number;
Function, Python functions;
Code: if a person is eligible to vote or not.

Python Module, Useful Python modules with some
classes/methods in each module.

Exception, Error vs exception in python.

Exception handling, Code for handling Zero Division Error, Index Error, and ValueError exceptions.

Function, Code: python functions with default
arguments and functions with variable number of arguments.